Psilocybin Therapy & Psychedelic Retreats


For years, I was depressed, anxious, distracted, overwhelmed, addicted to my thoughts, disconnected from my body, and struggling in my relationships. Does this sound familiar to you?

First, I explored meditation, and my mind began to settle; then I explored plant medicines and psychedelics, and my mind relaxed into a sky-like openness. I experienced the freedom and presence of nonduality, the living realization of the illusory self-world divide falling away to reveal the vibrant unity of all things in consciousness. My depression and anxiety lifted, knots of tension spontaneously released from my body, and I felt a fresh sense of connection with loved ones.

If this story resonates with you, it’s time to embrace the exciting possibilities of nondual psychedelic integration: exploring expanded states of consciousness through plant medicines, psychedelics, meditation, and more as catalysts to realize nonduality in every moment of life. Persistent contact with nonduality alleviates the burden and limitations of trauma and neurosis, allowing us to rest in the spontaneous flow and mystery of the timeless now.

Starting out, psychedelics can feel like spellbinding journeys into ego-transcendent hyperspace, sweeping symphonies of emotion, alien worlds, or the deepest recesses of the unconscious. As you work with psychedelics over time, you may wish to explore the phenomenon I call unjourneying: actively meditating with them such that the medicines have gradually diminished pull to take you elsewhere, and instead act more like mindfulness super glue to train your mind to stay in the here and now. Learn more about my healing philosophy.

If you’ve hit a dead end and you’re ready to explore a new dimension of healing beyond talk therapy, I’m here to help you. Or if you’ve already started your nondual psychedelic path and want to go deeper, I can be your guide.

I’m Mira Funk, LCSW, and I provide psychotherapy and transformational coaching as well as psilocybin mushroom therapy and psychedelic retreats with 5-MeO-DMT, NN-DMT (including analog ayahuasca), and salvia divinorum. I’m based in the United States in Corvallis, Oregon, and also serve clients worldwide.



I am a psychedelic guide, psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and transformational coach with a bachelor’s in comparative literature from Harvard and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from Smith College. I have worked as a mindfulness-based psychotherapist and meditation instructor in many clinical settings. I have also trained in psychedelic facilitation and integration with InnerTrek. I identify as queer and nonbinary (she/her). Sometimes people assume this means I only want to work with queer clients; nothing could be further from the truth! I am passionate about connecting with clients of any gender/sexual orientation, including straight cisgender men.

To help repay the enormous debt owed to Indigenous peoples for centuries of brilliant innovation in plant medicine healing, I make an annual donation of 1% of my adjusted gross income to the Indigenous Reciprocity Initiative of the Americas.

My own healing path began in earnest when depression, anxiety, and a gnawing sense of existential emptiness inspired me to take a leave of absence from college and begin practicing meditation. For over a decade, I continued to meditate and sit retreats in multiple Buddhist traditions, including a three-month stay at Musangsa Temple in South Korea with Kwan Um Zen Master Dae Bong.

While my meditation practice offered relief from my distress as well as meaningful insights, it wasn’t until I paired meditation with the awakening potential of plant medicines and psychedelics that I noticed I am not a person in a body in the universe; instead, subjectively speaking, it appears “universe,” “body,” and “person” are constructs within the boundless continuum of nondual awareness. And even “nondual awareness” reveals itself as a construct floating in this ocean of spellbinding mystery over which I don’t seem to have any control.

If you’re curious to open up to this mystery, I would love to start pointing you to what is available immediately in your direct experience. Let’s dive in together! My passion is to support you along your path of healing and awakening. Read my full biography.


Love says, ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says, ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two my life flows.
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


  • Professional Consulting

    I also offer consulting for therapists, coaches, guides, and other professionals looking to incorporate psychedelic and nondual perspectives into their practice. Learn more about my consulting work.

You are beyond all obstacles; self-arising pristine awareness just is.
— Longchenpa


If you have any general questions, you may find it helpful to peruse my Overview page. For more specific inquiries, you can email me directly at mira@unjourneying.com. I’m based in the United States in Corvallis, Oregon.