I have structured my practice to include four main categories of offerings:
1. Psychedelic Retreats: I offer powerful, transformative, holistic retreats with the following medicines:
3. Psychotherapy & Transformational Coaching: Dynamic 1-on-1 sessions of healing and insight through nondual meditation, psychodynamic work, and integration. If desired, this work can include one or more psychedelic or meditation retreats.
4. Professional Consulting: An opportunity for psychedelic guides, coaches, therapists, and entrepreneurs to learn more about my philosophy, methodology, and practice.
In my work, I specialize in the following issues, concerns, and interests:
Psychological and Emotional Issues: I specialize in treating depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, thought addiction, grief, relationship distress, sexual concerns, chronic illness, LGBTQ+ issues, existential issues, nihilism, end of life, eco-anxiety, and social collapse anxiety.
Psychedelic Healing and Insight: I provide therapeutic support for microdosing as well as pre/post integration counseling for journeys with psilocybin, 5-MeO-DMT, N,N-DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline, ketamine, and others. I’m particularly interested in supporting clients exploring the cross-pollination of meditation and psychedelics along the path of nondual awakening.
Spiritual Awakening and Support: For contemplatives, I offer a nonjudgmental space for nondual awakening guidance and meditation troubleshooting. Expanded states may be accessed in session using guided meditations and nondual pointing-out instructions; and out of session with psychedelics, yoga, and other contemplative or energetic practices. I also help meditators process and integrate openings and awakenings—or alternately, to heal from Dark Night of the Soul experiences, discouragement, derealization, depersonalization, spiritual bypassing, and other concerns.
What is Nondual Psychedelic Integration?
Psychedelic integration describes the process of folding insights from psychedelic experiences into everyday life to create meaningful lasting change. Without integration, even a powerful psychedelic experience can quickly become just another fading memory.
Before the journey, what was your intention? After the journey, when you return to work, into relationships, and into challenging life situations, what has changed about your perspective, your values, your habits? In best practice, integration starts well before and extends well after the journey with psychotherapy or transformational coaching, journaling, dreamwork, meditation, education, self-care, and cultivating connection with loved ones.
Nonduality refers to the realization that everything in subjective experience arises in/as centerless awareness in which dichotomies of perceiver/perceived and self/world are seen through as mere constructions of the mind. The thread of nondualism weaves through many spiritual traditions including Buddhism, Sufism, Kashmir Shaivism, Christian mysticism, and Advaita Vedanta.
Nondual Psychedelic Integration is the phrase I use to describe psychedelic integration that is specifically concerned with nondual awakening, in other words using psychedelic experiences as openers or catalysts to realize the nature of the self as a virtual construction in conciousness. You can read more about nondual awakening on my Philosophy page.
Practice Details
Location & Hours
My brick-and-mortar office is located in Corvallis, Oregon, in the United States, and I also serve clients worldwide via online Zoom sessions. For the 4–6 required 50-min integration sessions (usually once or twice a week), my available hours are typically Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10am–12pm & 2pm–4pm Pacific. The best way to reach me is through my Contact page.
My practice is focused on the facilitation and integration of 5-MeO-DMT, N,N-DMT / analog ayahuasca, and salvia divinorum retreats for emotional healing and spiritual insight. My main therapeutic modalities are Mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Nondual Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Social Justice, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, and Jungian. Spiritually speaking, I draw primarily from Vipassana, Zen, Advaita, Mahamudra, and Dzogchen.
Clients often ask me what my approach is, and I can honestly say that I have as many approaches as I have clients. I have studied many different therapeutic modalities and meditation techniques, and enjoy the art of finding the right intervention for the right person at the right moment. It’s an experimental, improvisational dance of movement and stillness. I always attempt to enter the therapeutic or coaching relationship with a spirit of openness, not-knowing, discovery, curiosity, and collaboration.
4-6 Integration Sessions + 1 Psychedelic Retreat
If during or after the initial 50-min consultation, you decide to move forward in booking a retreat with me, I’ll recommend that you make a commitment to attend 6 integration sessions. Typically, these are weekly or every two weeks, and I usually do 5 before the retreat and 1 after. (The retreat itself also includes a built-in integration session at the end of the day, so you effectively get 2 post-retreat integration sessions within this structure). If 6 sessions proves to be cost prohibitive for you, we can scale down the number of sessions as long as there are 4 minimum. After you have completed your first retreat, if you wish to continue working with me, we can transition into further integration work without additional retreats, or discuss the possibility of further retreats. You will also be eligible to join my Unjourneying Circle and to participate in group retreats that I organize.
Fees & Insurance
The initial 50-minute consultation is $100; after that, each 50-minute integration session is $200. There’s a 50% extra charge for couples. Full-day individual meditation retreats (most popular) are $2000 each. I require a minimum of 4–6 integration sessions, so that adds on $800–$1200 to the total price. I am an out-of-network provider for all insurance plans in the state of Oregon.
The pricing for different retreat formats is summarized below.
Full-Day Individual Retreat (most popular): $2000
Half-Day Individual Retreat: $1000
Full-Day Couples Retreat: $3000
4–6 Required Integration Sessions: $800–$1200 (50% extra for couples)
Family, Group, & Multi-Day Retreat Options Available Upon Request
I offer a 25% discount on all services for BIPOC, LGBTQ, and low-income clients, as well as clients with disabilities.
If you'd like to review all of the finer details of my practice policies to help inform your decision of whether to work with me, you can download my Client Contract.
Scope of Practice
I only work with individuals aged 25 and up. While my practice is based in Corvallis, Oregon, my coaching services have no geographic limitations, and I enjoy working with clients from all over the world. In terms of clinical social work services, per se, I am licensed to practice in the state of Oregon.
I have not specialized in and therefore cannot ethically treat the following conditions: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders, Suicidal/Homicidal Ideation, Self-Injurious Behavior, Bipolar I & II, Cluster B Personality Disorders (Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic, or Histrionic), and Substance Use Disorders of any severity level. And while I absolutely help clients heal from past traumatic experiences, I have also not specialized in working with clients who meet full DSM-5 criteria for PTSD (e.g., nightmares, flashbacks, hypervigilance, frequent intrusive memories, heightened startle response). If you are experiencing any of these conditions, I recommend that you locate a clinician who specializes in corresponding evidence-based treatments.
When it comes to mystical, psychic, paranormal, and occult beliefs, I take a not-knowing approach, and simply focus on waking clients up to the inconceivable experience of ordinary being. This means if you have a deep interest in working on any of the following topics, I probably won’t be the most effective provider for you: past lives, Akashic Records, ghosts, mediumship, The Secret, manifestation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, vortices, A Course in Miracles, magick, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), crystal healing, Aleister Crowley, alchemy, Western esotericism, Theosophy, and Alien Information Theory. I would encourage you to seek out specialists in these areas to get the most appropriate support.
Social Justice Values
In my work, I am actively attuned to how sociopolitical dynamics of privilege and oppression impact my clients’ lives and how they can show up in our sessions. As someone who holds many privileged identities, I endeavor to practice humility and self-examination to minimize microaggressions and to affirm the lived experience of marginalized clients. My values in this effort are informed by feminist, body-positive, queer, postcolonial, and anti-racist theories and approaches. I am committed to staying updated on social work professional guidelines for working ethically and effectively with BIPOC, LGBTQ+, nonbinary, and polyamorous clients as well as clients with disabilities. To help repay the enormous debt owed to Indigenous peoples for centuries of brilliant innovation in plant medicine healing, I make an annual donation of 1% of my adjusted gross income to the Indigenous Reciprocity Initiative of the Americas.
Personally, I identity as queer and nonbinary. I use she/her pronouns, and if we’re meeting in person, you’ll often see me wearing a dress, skirt, or other femme clothing. If these identities or this gender presentation poses an issue for you in terms of your politics, views, or comfort level, I would recommend that you seek out a different provider who would be a better match for you. Sometimes people assume that as a queer provider I only want to work with queer clients. The truth is I am passionate about connecting with clients of any gender/sexual orientation, including straight cisgender men.