When you vape pure N,N-DMT, there multiple paths you can traverse. You might feel called to go into parallel universes or mystical, hyper-dimensional realms where you commune with divine entities. You might see your visual field dissolve into wild fractals. You might experience rapid processing of emotional trauma. Alternately, in the spirit of unjourneying, you might feel inspired to meditate with the medicine, in which case it can open up an awe-inspiring contact with the present moment, which feels dreamlike and riveting in its hyper vividness. Vaping is a short-acting experience that lasts about 5-15 minutes per dose, and you get to choose how deep you’d like to go by adjust how many doses you take and how strong they are.
If you like the flavor of vaping N,N-DMT, you may feel inspired to embark on an extended experience. If you take either harmaline or harmine in advance of taking N,N-DMT (both orally), you’ll be in the medicine for 2-4 hours, depending on the dose and your metabolism. Analog ayahusca is most similar to a mushroom journey, in terms of the overall feel. Because of the MAO inhibitor, the impact on the body is more intense than vaping. You may feel nausea and a sense of physical discomfort. The psychoactive effects are similar to those described above for vaping, just more intense and long-lasting.
I would recommend trying N,N-DMT after first working with 5-MeO-DMT. 5-MeO-DMT can help clear out trauma and fear from your mind-body system, so that when you begin to explore N,N-DMT, you can stay grounded (or journey elsewhere, if you wish) without feeling overwhelmed. N,N-DMT excels at real-life integration, so it can allow you to rapidly process emotional issues and raise your emotional awareness while you stay connected to the moment. It’s also an exceptional meditation tool for opening the doorway to nonduality, if you are seeking a breakthrough in that area. After all, DMT has long been known as the “spirit molecule.” It may offer you a fresh perspective on dimensions of your experience that you never knew existed.
The initial 50-minute consultation is $100; after that, each 50-minute integration session is $200. There’s a 50% extra charge for couples. Full-day individual meditation retreats (most popular) are $2000 each. I require a minimum of 4–6 integration sessions, so that adds on $800–$1200 to the total price. I am an out-of-network provider for all insurance plans in the state of Oregon.
The pricing for different retreat formats is summarized below.
Full-Day Individual Retreat (most popular): $2000
Half-Day Individual Retreat: $1000
Full-Day Couples Retreat: $3000
4–6 Required Integration Sessions: $800–$1200 (50% extra for couples)
Family, Group, & Multi-Day Retreat Options Available Upon Request
I offer a 25% discount on all services for BIPOC, LGBTQ, and low-income clients, as well as clients with disabilities.
Click the button below to request your 50-min Consultation so we can start exploring the possibilities of your N,N-DMT retreat.